Superintendent’s Message
Hello Olympia School District families and community,

As January comes to an end, we again find ourselves in the middle of another legislative session. As the Legislature marches on with its work, we likewise monitor and advocate for bills that can help us here in the Olympia School District. Like many school districts, we are simultaneously grappling with enrollment decline and its accompanying fiscal challenges. Throw on top of that the upcoming Replacement Levy proposal on the February 13, 2024, Special Election ballot and there are plenty of important issues in which we can focus our energy, and rightfully so.
And yet, at the same time, when we do that, it is as important, if not more so, to give attention to the remarkable, inspiring work going on in our schools each and every day. Our dedicated teachers and staff work alongside our amazing, talented students and they continue to achieve at high levels. The residual effects of the pandemic persist, but our resolve has not waned. Through tireless effort and continued compassion our staff help our students grow, make new discoveries, create beautiful music and art, and strongly perform on the playing fields and in our gyms. One celebratory note that was shared during a recent board meeting was the graduation results of the classes of 2022 and 2023.
The on-time graduation rate for the Class of 2023 is among the highest in the history of our district at 92%, and the highest in our region. The state rate is 83.6%. Capital, Olympia and Avanti all saw increases from the previous year. When we look at extended graduation rates for the Class of 2022 that is graduating within 5 years, again we saw nearly a record high of 94.1% – well above the state rate of 86%. Additionally, Avanti High School once again had a 100% extended graduation rate.
If we dig deeper into the data, there is a lot more to celebrate. When we break down the Class of 2023 graduation rate data, all races/ethnicities saw increases. One of our largest gains was for those identifying as Black/African American with rates rising 14.4 percentage points from 81.3% to 95.7%. We saw double digit increases in graduation rates for students experiencing homelessness and students receiving special education services with rises from 67.6% to 79% and from 63.4% to 73.5% respectively. Both of those are well above the state averages.
I’ve always considered the graduation rate metric to be a preschool through 12th grade measurement. Students don’t miraculously figure out how to navigate high school and earn credits when they become teenagers. Certainly there are increased efforts and supports in high schools to get our youth who are struggling over the top, but the bulk of our success in Olympia comes from the systemic efforts of our preschool, elementary school, middle school and high school staffs. All of our employees work collaboratively with families year after year to fill in gaps and find the spark to learning that can be as unique as the distinctive students we serve.
So while we continue in our due diligence in challenging times of seeking out resources to support our schools, I hope you can also take time to celebrate the exceptional achievements of our students and staff.

Patrick Murphy

Students honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – his work and his legacy
Over the past few weeks students throughout the Olympia School District came together to honor and recognize the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The teachings of Dr. King have a direct, tangible impact that is still felt to this day as he is widely recognized for his leadership in the fight for civil rights and integration in our country.
In January 2004, the Washington State House of Representatives passed House Resolution 4676 to recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day, honoring the importance of the life and work of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This resolution calls on the people of the state of Washington to study, reflect on, and celebrate Dr. King's life and ideals in order to fulfill his dream of civil and human rights for all people. The resolution urges "all the citizens of our state to make Martin Luther King Jr. Day a day of service – a day on, not a day off."
During the MLK school assembly at Centennial Elementary School, second and third grade students were greeted by a gathering of students, parents and family members as they entered the multipurpose room and lined up on the risers to perform their songs. “I look forward to this each year," said a grandmother as she entered the building.
The students’ uplifting voices and messages were carried loud and clear through their well-rehearsed short speeches and beautiful songs. They started the program with “Lift Every Voice” written by the Johnson Brothers in 1900.
"If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving," is one of many quotes that were read aloud by students before each song. The audience couldn’t help but sing, sway and clap along as the students sang “Lean on Me,” by Bill Withers.
For their final number, “We Shall Overcome” by Pete Seeger, the students sang and used American Sign Language (ASL) to interpret the lyrics. Many fourth and fifth graders joined them from their seats on the floor and recalled when they, too, performed the song as second and third graders. The Centennial Stars shined bright as they shared Dr. King’s message of his dream for equality and kindness.
All schools throughout the district took time to recognize and reflect on Dr. King's words and call to action. Boston Harbor Elementary School’s fifth grade ‘Bear Crew’ created a slideshow presentation that included quotes and facts about Dr. King's life and legacy. Other Boston Harbor Bears wrote dreams that they have and shared them aloud with their class during a school assembly.
Dr. King's message is on display throughout our hallways. It can be seen reflected through the eyes, the artwork and actions of our of students:
At Madison Elementary School Halli Aaron’s third grade students created a video that featured some of their beautiful artwork set to the audio of Dr. King's “I Have a Dream” speech.
Reeves Middle School students reviewed segments of that speech, then took some self-reflection time to consider their dreams and the actions that might be necessary to achieve them.
Students at Olympia High School spoke and performed at a schoolwide assembly, connecting the civil rights era and today.
At Avanti High School, Tacoma Arts Alive performed "Where Blooming Flowers Meet the Sky" – the story of Zhuli, a young artist writing a new book of poetry. On Zhuli’s artistic journey she is visited by three prominent ancestors from the 1960’s Civil Rights era. Each one gives her a piece of wisdom from their experience, helping her find her voice.
Lincoln Elementary came together for an assembly where classes sang, recited quotes and together connected to the civil rights movement through song.
Thank you to our families, staff and students for honoring the life and legacy left by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Social Media Roundup from around the District
The last few months around winter break are always a bit of a whirlwind, and this year was no exception. We’ve had so many opportunities to get out to our schools to feature unique events that we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss any of them!
Below you will find many of the events we have covered over the past few months. We hope you enjoy the photos and videos we’ve gathered when out and about visiting our buildings:
Featured Facebook Posts/Albums:
The content above is just what we’ve featured on our district Facebook page over the past month. We have LOTS of other content that we push out on a daily basis on our Twitter and Instagram accounts, as well as our YouTube Channel. So take a minute to follow, like and subscribe today!

OSD Fourth graders ‘Link Up’ with Olympia Symphony Orchestra
Learning the recorder can feel like a right of passage for many elementary students. For parents it is a welcome transition when the squeaks and toots finally begin to resemble a recognizable tune. After months of preparation and with recorders in hand, the entire Olympia School District fourth grade population (824 to be exact) set out on a grand adventure to perform with the Olympia Symphony Orchestra (OSO) at the Washington Center for the Performing Arts.
The OSO joined hundreds of orchestras across the world that have partnered with The Carnegie Hall Weill Music Institute Link Up program, introducing students to orchestra by helping them become a part of it. “This was something that had never been done before in our local area and it was important to the symphony to provide OSD students with this incredible experience,” said Olympia Symphony Orchestra Executive Director Jennifer Hermann.
“Both music and education are my passion and I knew in my heart this would be incredible for everyone involved. After board approval we moved forward quickly to create a barrier free orchestral experience, beginning with a fundraiser (Sponsor-a-Recorder) to provide every participant with a recorder. With generous donations from local foundations and our amazing community we could provide every student with their own instrument that would be attached to the memories created by the event,” Hermann added.
The symphony's call was answered, and 118 individuals/organizations donated funds for recorders. In fact, $5,700 was raised, exceeding the original goal of $4,500.
Carnegie Hall (via the Link Up partnership) supports the symphony with the highest quality curricula, resources and professional development to strengthen its partnership with local schools. OSD elementary music teachers began preparation for the big event earlier this year during their professional development time where they teamed up to learn the music and curriculum to teach in their classrooms.
“I found this program to 'connect the dots' for my students in terms of reading notes, why the different lines and spaces matter, reading rhythms (quarter and eighth notes and rests), and keeping a steady beat. Once they realized that all of these elements make the music come together the way it does, they made great progress and enjoyed themselves. In class we practiced along with a piano recording, so getting to play with a real orchestra was even more exciting once they got to the concert,” explained Madison Elementary music teacher and symphony performer Ana Dewitt.
On January 18, students boarded buses for the short drive to the ‘The Orchestra Sings’ performance. Every seat in the Washington Center was full from the mezzanine to the stage. Boston Harbor Elementary student Tristan Ducummons was dressed for success in a tux coat, white collared shirt and bow tie. The excitement was palpable and Ducummons was smiling from ear to ear with wide eyes as Boston Harbor students entered and took their seats.
Jennifer Hermann was joined on stage by co-hosts McKenny Elementary fourth grade student AJ Matthews, OSO conductor Alexandra Arrieche and Centennial music teacher and singer Olivia Thronson. The audience and orchestra embarked on a journey featuring the mystery, beauty and power of great melodies and how they make the listener connect to the music. Each song performed gave an opportunity to explore musical elements and learn the different families of instruments. The concert repertoire consisted of Ode to Joy, New World Symphony and the Finale from the Firebird Suite. “It was so nice to pass the love of great melodies on to younger musicians, who will no doubt be able to recognize these tunes for the rest of their lives,” said Dewitt.
During “Finale from the Firebird Suite,” Hermann, Matthews, Arrieche and Thronson wore costumes to help tell how 13 people were turned to statues, and how a prince and a magical firebird combined forces to bring them back to life. The presentation illustrated how music can tell a story through melody, even without lyrics.
For the song “Ram Tori Maya” Centennial parents Jayamithra Ramkumar and Parminder Kaurcame on stage to sing with students and the accompanying orchestra. Their authentic rendition provided a beautiful cultural connection to the piece.
Next, the entire house sang “We Shall Not be Moved.” This familiar song is often sung at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. assemblies. “It was breathtaking,” whispered a Washington Center volunteer who gazed around the orchestra level seating. Centennial parent chaperone Amy Hill added, “It was an incredible experience and an honor to be a part of it — witnessing the excitement and joy on the kids’ faces. My heart was full seeing their love of music and the arts come to life.”
Finally after months of focus and repetition, 824 fourth grade students performed “Ode to Joy," guided by the sweeping melodies, strong emotions and deep meaning of the music. McKenny music teacher Heather Matthews said after the concert, “My students told me how magical it felt to feel part of something bigger. Hearing all the different parts of the music come together after playing by themselves in class was incredible. The biggest payoff for me was returning to the building for afternoon general music and the students wanting to play their recorders, that’s what I call a huge win!”
The collaboration wrapped up with one finale song that brought everyone to their feet – singing, dancing and clapping to the rhythmic melody of “Oye.” Co-host AJ Matthews said, “This was my favorite part of the concert. I love to dance, and leading almost 1,000 people in singing and dancing was something I will never forget!”
These same sentiments were echoed by everyone who attended. Thornson said, “The final piece we did, Oye, was absolutely magic and we all agreed that it was one of those uniquely magical moments that can only be facilitated by the power of music. There's nothing like it! We could all feel the magic. It was tangible.”
Students, staff and volunteers left the Washington Center that day humming, singing and skipping to their awaiting mode of transit. The joy could be felt amongst all who attend this incredible event.
OSD Music and Arts Coordinator Joe Dyvig shared, “It was powerful for the students of the Olympia School District to be united in song both with their voice and instruments. Getting to hear a professional orchestra live was an experience many students have not been able to have. They were all focused and attentive listeners during even extended periods of slow music. At the end of the program the exuberant dancing and singing along with the orchestra was magical. I loved how the programming was diverse and our music teachers were able to incorporate local experts of music from around the world.”
A huge thank you to Jennifer Hermann, the Olympia Symphony Orchestra, Washington Center for the Performing Arts and the countless donors who made this event possible. Not to mention our incredible music department staff, parents, volunteers and students for their dedication to be brave and try new things while learning the many dimensions and stories behind a great melody!

Remember to vote by February 13, 2024
Ballots for the February 13, 2024, Special Election have been sent to registered voters and must be mailed (ballots have pre-paid postage, so no need for a stamp) or dropped off in postage-free drop boxes by Election Day to be counted.
Ballot drop boxes are open 24 hours a day during elections and will continue to accept ballots until 8 p.m. on Election Day. For a list of drop box locations in the Olympia School District, visit the Thurston County Auditor’s Office website.
The Olympia School District has an Educational Programs and Operations Replacement Levy proposal on the Special Election ballot. Information about the replacement levy is available on the OSD website.
The Thurston County Auditor’s Office Elections Division mailed ballots to registered voters on January 24, 2024. To be counted, ballots must be mailed or dropped in postage-free ballot drop boxes by 8 p.m. on Election Day, February 13, 2024.
If you lost, damaged or did not receive your ballot, replacement ballots are available via email at [email protected], online at VoteWA.gov, by phone at (360) 786-5408 or 711 Washington Relay, or in person at 2400 Evergreen Park Dr. S.W., Olympia, WA 98502 (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays; 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Special Election Day).
The following are voter registration deadlines for the upcoming Special Election:
February 5, 2024: The last day to register to vote or update your current voter registration by any means other than in person. The information must be received by an election official by this day. You may register online by mail with a paper form, or at a county elections office. Check your registration at VoteWA.gov.
February 13, 2024: You may register to vote or update your current voter registration in person only up to 8 p.m. on Election Day at any county Auditor’s Office, voting center or any other designated location.
For additional voter registration information, visit the Thurston County Auditor’s Office Elections Division webpage. You may also call (360) 786-5408 or email [email protected].
For more information about ballot items, read the February 13, 2024 Thurston County Local Voters’ Pamphlet.

Theatre and Robotics, a partnership made for center stage
Capital High School theatre’s most recent production “She Kills Monsters” took to the stage last week for its opening weekend bringing with it some new and creative elements. “This has been a play of firsts and that adds so much excitement,” said CHS junior Chris Salerno. Capital teacher and theatre director Kristina Cummins had been looking forward to unveiling this production for a while. The inspiration for the production came to life from an interview Cummins heard. “I knew what we needed to add to make this show truly unique…robotics!” said Cummins.
Cummins contacted Capital High School and Jefferson Middle School STEM teacher Brenda Diettrich, who presented the possibility of collaboration to her robotics teams. “They were so excited to join forces,” said Diettrich. Seven of the robotics students from Jefferson and four from Capital went right to work conjuring life from sketches…using science and engineering.
Julia Underwood who plays Agnes shared, “We have made great effort to bring more collaboration opportunities with our community. We all value the chance to work jointly with robotics on this production and are grateful for the chance to bring the middle school together with the high school.”
“She Kills Monsters, Young Adventurers Edition,” written by Qui Nguyen, tells the story of Agnes Evans who is grappling with the sudden death of her younger sister Tilly. While packing away her sister's things, Agnes discovers a Dungeons and Dragons campaign Tilly wrote in a journal. To help Agnes get to know her sister better she decides to play through the campaign. As she embarks on this journey, Agnes encounters a host of mythical creatures, epic battles and unexpected friendships, all within the vivid landscape of Tilly's imagination. Guided by a dungeon master with a love for witty banter, Agnes discovers a side of her sister she never knew existed and confronts her own fears in the process.
Through the imagination of CHS senior Gabby Vincent, the set and character design brings depth to the visual concept of the story. “I wanted to focus on tying the elements of the real world and fantasy world together. The real world scenes represent Agnes’s loss, they are in front of the mid curtain and the colors are dull, and gloomy because she is grieving and depressed. The fantasy world is through her sister Tilly’s eyes, it’s bright and colorful,” Vincent explained.
“The robotic creations brought an incredible moving dimension to the production. When designing our largest robot, the Beholder, I added similarities to her parallel character, Vera. Real world Vera wears a spike bracelet kinda-punk rock, so we added that common element to the massive robots' many moving arms,” continued Vincent.
Speaking of that large creation, the Beholder robot stands approximately eight feet tall with multiple arms that move. Her circular behemoth has one large heart eye that turns and seems to look right at the characters. Do not let the long lashes fool you, she is a monster. The Beholder is manually programmed and remote controlled by CHS robotics students Elliot Fischer (ninth grade), Tyson Sterling (tenth grade), Cole Pearson (tenth grade), and Daniel Yeckel (eleventh grade). The codes to each remote button enable them to do specific movements for her scenes. The Beholder will certainly CATCH YOUR EYE (pun intended) when she rolls onto the stage!
CHS robotics students also built, programmed and control the three Wraiths who eerily float onto the stage with blue eyes and an ominous boney finger point. Like the Beholder these bots are fully remote controlled.
At the middle school level, the Jefferson students' ‘Autonomous Bots’ are preprogrammed with instructions and run on their own without remote control. “This has been an incredible opportunity to work with Capital and help our teammates do something that has not been done before. It’s really been fun to bring robotics as part of this big production,” shared sixth grade JMS robotics student Lohith Talluri.
The ‘Baby Bot Monsters’ as they are affectionately called on set are programmed to chase the cast. At the first rehearsal the bots, which are about the size of a remote control car, didn’t quite have the necessary horsepower to “chase” the actors off the stage. Back to the drawing board. The Jefferson team worked on their gear setup with their high school robotics coaches and came back ready for take two. “We were able to make the gears spin faster by taking a big gear on the motor and a small gear near the wheel that allows the gears to spin faster when it moves,” explained seventh grade student James Hardjoko.
Seventh grader Siyona Kongara shared, “These experiences of bringing technology together with theatre is so fun, and I would love to have other opportunities to do this again or to collaborate with other groups. It brings people together to do great things.”
This production is chock-full of lithe elves, warrior women, ogres and in the CHS adaptation, Robots. She Kills Monsters is a surprisingly sweet tale of friendship, loss and acceptance. This is a must see and a wonderful way to see two different clubs come together to create something truly remarkable.
The theatrical nature of weaving together the fantasy world of Dungeons and Dragons, the real world in which Agnes lives, as well as the stage combat truly gives this production some punch. Once you take a step back, at its core, this is a brutally honest, heartfelt portrayal about grief and processing loss.
Interested in swinging by the Capital High School PAC to catch some of the action for yourself? There are three additional showings scheduled for 7 pm on February 1, 2 and 3. General admission tickets are $10 and Seniors/Students are $8. Tickets can be purchased at the door or online via PurplePass by using the link below.

Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action: February 5-9
The Olympia School Board has proclaimed February 5-9 as Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action.
The Board read the two-page proclamation at the January 25, 2024 board meeting.
The school board proclamation states in part that “our students have the right to be educated within a village committed to nurturing their courage and skills to confront personal, systemic and societal bias, while recognizing the many types of privilege that exist within our society.”
The proclamation goes on to state that “students have the right to engage in reflection and honest conversations in school communities on issues of social justice, equity, the intersectionality of oppression and the legacy of institutionalized racism and oppression that has plagued the United States since its founding.”
The Black Lives Matter at School campaign first began in Seattle in 2016 and has since spread across the nation.

Jefferson Middle School is rowing it’s way to great health
Jefferson Middle School is celebrating a recently awarded grant that integrates indoor rowing into their physical education curriculum. The grant was generously provided by the George Pocock Rowing Foundation, Olympia Area Rowing (OAR) and Concept2. “This is an amazing addition to the holistic well-being of Jefferson students and it provides continuation of our efforts to foster a healthy school environment. JMS has been working on expanding its health and fitness program with an overall vision to provide a dedicated space to promote physical, mental and emotional well-being among our students,” explained Jefferson Principal Jane Allaire.
The George Pocock Rowing Foundation launched Ergometer Education (ERG ED) in 2010 in three Seattle Middle Schools. By 2014, ERG ED was an integrated part of the standard physical education curriculum for all Seattle Public School students in grades K-8. Turns out, this was just the beginning. The program now operates in school districts across the country, including 11 schools in the Pacific Northwest, allowing thousands of students the opportunity to discover the sport of rowing.
JMS approached the grant through partnership and collaboration with 13 Thurston County schools, local boat clubs and community organizations that actively support youth. This partnership ensures a comprehensive and unified effort to enhance students' experiences in the ERG ED curriculum. The grant prioritizes inclusivity and is structured to address historical disparities by increasing access for those traditionally excluded from the sport. It provides a supportive environment for athletes from all backgrounds, nurturing their interest and potential pursuit of rowing on the water.
Thanks to the grant and efforts of its staff, the small gym at JMS is equipped with 20 rowing machines. Students and staff have embarked on an exciting journey working toward creating a healthier, more resilient school environment. The program includes 20 rowers, a comprehensive physical education curriculum and teacher training, plus support over the next five years. "We have dedicated efforts to a platform that prioritizes physical health while embracing mental and emotional well-being. I am thrilled to lead a team of passionate staff who wholeheartedly support and contribute to this vision," shared Allaire.
Allaire continued, “JMS health and fitness teacher Cara Barton has brilliantly crafted engaging lessons for years through initiatives and community involvement, creating an environment where students excel physically, emotionally and academically.”
Students will experience the new rowing curriculum over the course of six classes each semester. As part of the collaboration of the grant, the ERGs will be shared with seven other schools in the area. OAR will maintain and transport the devices to and from each school.
Barton explained, “We empower students with essential life skills by providing them access to our local community. Last year, our collaboration with Intercity Walk N Roll encouraged youth to adopt healthy commuting habits, resulting in students receiving bikes and learning to ride safely while using Intercity Transit. The ERG ED program will allow us to continue to grow, and empower our students with the tools and knowledge for healthy lifestyle choices that transcends the classroom and positively influences their lives for years to come.”
Barton and OAR representative Jim Berolini are dedicated to maintaining the five year grant program, and share the same gratitude Allaire described. Barton said, “We are incredibly fortunate to receive strong support from our community.”
"As we embark on this thrilling journey our dedication to elevate physical education is unwavering, fostering equity and ensuring inclusion for all. This commitment aligns with our goal of providing a supportive and enriching educational experience. By prioritizing the well-being of our students, we envision cultivating an environment that not only nurtures academic success but also instills the development of healthy habits that will resonate throughout their lifetime," states Allaire.
“I’m so glad our PE class has this new equipment, rowing is a new skill for me and I’m looking forward to someday trying this on the water,” shared seventh grade student Ethan “EJ” Singleton.
We can not wait to see what our Jefferson Jaguars do with this amazing learning opportunity.
Upcoming Events
January 29: OSD Board Work Session at 6 p.m.
January 31: 50-Minute Early Release
February 1: MS/HS Half day (Grading)
February 1: OSD Board Work Session at 6 p.m.
February 2: ES/MS/HS Half day (Grading)
February 2: End of Semester 1
February 5-9: Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action
February 7: 50-Minute Early Release
February 8: OSD Board Meeting (in-person and online via Zoom) at 6:30 p.m.
February 12: OSD Board Work Session at 6 p.m.
February 13: Special Election
February 13: OSD Board Work Session at 6 p.m.
February 14: 50-Minute Early Release
February 19: Presidents Day (No School)
February 19-20: Mid-winter break (No School)
February 21: 50-Minute Early Release
February 22: OSD Special Recognition at 6 p.m., Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. (in-person and online via Zoom)
February 24: Community Cafe (Time and place TBD)
February 26: Public Hearing - Potential Closure of Madison Elementary School; 6 p.m. at Madison Elementary
February 28: 50-Minute Early Release
February 29: Public Hearing - Potential Closure of McKenny Elementary School; 6 p.m. at McKenny Elementary
OSD Notice of Nondiscrimination
The Olympia School District will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs will be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
The Olympia School District offers many Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs/courses in the following areas: Skilled and Technical Sciences/STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics); Agriculture/Natural Resources; Business Marketing; Family and Consumer Sciences; and Health Sciences. For more information about CTE course offerings and admissions criteria, contact Paula Perryman, Director of College and Career Readiness, 111 Bethel St. N.E., Olympia, WA 98506, (360) 596-6102. Lack of English language proficiency will not be a barrier to admission and participation in CTE programs.
The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies, reports of alleged sexual harassment, concerns about compliance, and/or grievance procedures:
James Whitehead, Title IX Officer
Knox 111 Administrative Center, 111 Bethel St. N.E., Olympia, WA 98506
(360) 596-8545
[email protected]
Autumn Lara, Executive Director of Elementary Education
Knox 111 Administrative Center, 111 Bethel St. N.E., Olympia, WA 98506
(360) 596-8534
[email protected]
Ken Turcotte, Section 504 and ADA Coordinator (Students)
Knox 111 Administrative Center, 111 Bethel St. N.E., Olympia, WA 98506
(360) 596-7530
[email protected]
Starla Hoff, ADA Coordinator (Staff)
Knox 111 Administrative Center, 111 Bethel St. N.E., Olympia, WA 98506
(360) 596-6185
[email protected]
Scott Niemann, Affirmative Action Officer and Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator
Knox 111 Administrative Center, 111 Bethel St. N.E., Olympia, WA 98506
(360) 596-6185
[email protected]
Paula Perryman, Director of College and Career Readiness
Knox 111 Administrative Center, 111 Bethel St. N.E., Olympia, WA 98506
[email protected]
All six individuals may also be contacted at 111 Bethel St. N.E., Olympia, WA, 98506.