Native Education

Native education students at graduation


Native Education Program (NEP)

We strive to provide meaningful, culturally responsive socio-emotional and educational support for Native American/Alaska Native students and Native families, including:


  • Tribal language instruction

  • Performance-based pathway options

  • Cultural enrichment

  • Native education for all


Program Funding and Eligibility

Title VI of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act funds the Olympia School District Native Education Program. This formula grant provides financial assistance to school districts to develop and implement programs specifically designed to meet the cultural, language and academic needs of Native American/Alaskan Native students.

Your child may be eligible to participate in the Olympia School District Native Education Program if they are:

  1. A member of an Indian tribe or band, as membership is defined by the Indian tribe or band, including any tribe or band terminated since 1940, and any tribe or band recognized by the State in which the tribe or band resides;

  2. A descendant of a parent or grandparent who meets the requirements described in paragraph of this definition;

  3. An Eskimo, Aleut or other Alaska Native; or

  4. A member of an organized Indian group that received a grant under the Indian Education Act of 1988 the Indian Edu  as it was in effect on October 19, 1994

The district receives Federal Title VI funds for each child registered on an ED 506 Form. An electronic version of the 506 form is also available on Skyward Family Access.

To be counted as part of this program, the 506 form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian for each eligible child (ONE TIME ONLY). All 506 forms are confidentially filed in the OSD Department of Teaching & Learning.


NEP Objectives as determined by the 2022 Parent Council:


  • Encourage self-identity and cultural pride in Native Students

  • Increase Native culture awareness districtwide

  • Initiate Native American language programs and Mastery-Based credit opportunities

  • Strengthen prevention activities for violence, suicide, and substance abuse

  • Increase graduation rates

  • Promote culturally responsive academic and counseling support for struggling students

  • Program recruitment for students, parent advisory members, Native teachers, counselors and administrators

  • OSD staff professional development


Activities that support NEP Objectives:


  • Collaboration with local tribes and the Native Education Parent Advisory Council in all aspects of OSD educational programming and systems of support

  • Pilot Project: Southern Lushootseed & High School World Language Courses (credits/Seal of Biliteracy)

  • Mastery-Based Crediting Equivalency Course of Study: Indigenous Learning Experiences

  • Learning Experiences Advocacy for students and parents in all school-related matters

  • Health & wellness and suicide prevention activities

  • Expand opportunities for post-secondary options through Native-focused college and career readiness activities

  • Build staff awareness about cultural values, learning styles and and contemporary issues relevant to Native students

  • Encourage parents to participate in Parent Advisory Council meetings to provide feedback about OSDNEP, general educational programming, equal access and and participation

  • Native American Youth Leadership Academy (NAYLA)/Peer Mentoring across all grades; NAYLA will also raise awareness of issues that affect families and the Native American community

  • Cultural Family Gatherings


Native Education Parent Advisory Council (NEPAC)

The Native Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a requirement of the Title VI Native Education Formula grant. Grant funds assist Olympia School District in setting priorities to meet our Native students’ unique educational and culturally related academic needs.


Native Parent Advisory Council activities include:


  • Help Native Education staff develop the annual Title VI Federal Grant application

  • Annually provide signed approval of the grant goals and objectives

  • Identify the academic and cultural needs of the AIAN student population

  • Provide input to monitor and evaluate the program and general educational programming

  • Promote participation in Native Education programs, cross-cultural understanding, and appreciation for all racial and ethnic communities

  • Partner with OSD to host a Graduation Honor Dinner

  • The PAC will decide the meeting schedule and frequency at the beginning of each school year


Questions? Contact us!


Sandra Gordon

OSD Native Education Program Coordinator
(360) 596-6144 (Office)

(360) 628-7770 (Cell)

[email protected]