Several Capital High School ninth- and tenth-grade students recently participated in “Boeing Manufacturing Day” in at the Boeing Co. Renton facility. The students are enrolled in woods and metals manufacturing classes taught by William Murray.
Boeing Manufacturing Day is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers. The event included a factory tour, hands-on skills demonstrations and special guest speakers.
Capital High is one of eight schools in Washington state that was honored with an invitation to the event because they are a Boeing Partner School. The partnership began in the 2015-16 school year and offers students access to the CorePLUS Manufacturing Program. CorePLUS is a hands-on, manufacturing-based curriculum based on the “core” entry-level skills that just about every industrial business needs. The “PLUS” refers to more specialized skills specific to metal fabrication, precision machining and aircraft repair.
The program is funded in part by a $25,000 Boeing aerospace grant. Additional funding for the program is provided by the school district’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. CTE offers students hands-on experiences in career areas including manufacturing, H]horticulture, visual arts, journalism, marketing, and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Robotics.