Beginning September 4, 2020 current Ingersoll Stadium key cards will no longer work, as the old card system has been replaced. Current card holders will need to fill out a replacement application in order to receive a new key card. The replacement application can be found here.
Please follow directions on the application to return the application to us. We will mail you a new key card as soon as we receive your application. There is no charge to obtain a replacement card and the replacement card will also give you access to the Swarthout track at Capital High School. (Please simply throw your old card into the garbage.)
Please note, the district has attempted to contact all current key card holders regarding this change. If you have not received any notification, we may not have your correct address on file. By submitting an application for a new card we will be able to include you for future updates.
If you would like to obtain a key card for the first time, please click here to obtain a new card. There is a $10 one-time fee.