Interested in volunteering? Click the link below and get started.
If you have questions you can contact our volunteer coordinator via email at [email protected] or call (360) 328-1042.
Volunteers make a major difference in the lives of children. We appreciate your support and hope that you will consider volunteering in our schools.
Every year, more than 3,600 people choose to volunteer in Olympia Schools. Each year volunteers must complete an ONLINE Volunteer Application or a Paper Volunteer Application. In addition to the application itself, two additional forms require signature and submission; the "Confidentiality Statement for Volunteers" and the "Code of Conduct for Volunteers." Once your paperwork has been received and a background check is completed, you will be contacted.
Volunteering is a very rewarding experience. Our students and staff appreciate everything our volunteers do to help us reach our goal of academic success for all children. Please review the Volunteer Information Guide. We can't do it without you!
For more information on District Volunteer Opportunities, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, at (360) 328-1042.
The District recognizes the valuable contribution made by volunteers. Volunteers are parents and other citizens who serve in a capacity for which they are not paid. Employees may also be defined as volunteers when they serve in a capacity other than that for which they are employed and compensated.
In working with volunteers, District staff shall clearly explain the volunteer's responsibility for supervising students in school, on field trips, and at other school-sponsored activities away from campus. On field trips, or at other school-sponsored activities away from campus, both students and volunteers are to be informed of the rules of student behavior and the means by which students are to be held accountable to those rules.
The superintendent shall be responsible for developing and implementing procedures for the screening and utilization of volunteers. For more information, see District Policy 5630 and the accompanying procedures, on our website or contact your neighborhood school.