Transportation Department
Register now if your student plans to ride the bus in the 2024-2025 school year
If your student plans to ride the bus to and from school in the 2024-2025 school year, please register each student using this form.
For the 2024-2025 school year, the Olympia School District Transportation Department is continuing to utilize an online model for registering for bus services. In order to maximize our current resources and provide the most efficient transportation services, all students who will be utilizing transportation services during the 2024-2025 school year will need to be registered.
Once you fill out the registration form, Transportation dispatch staff will ensure your student is assigned to a bus route for the address you provided. Route information will be mailed out to families in late August. To guarantee your child is routed and set up for transportation on the first day of school (Wednesday, Sept. 4) please complete the transportation registration by August 15, 2024.
Your child may be removed from the bus route if they do not ride the bus for more than a month consecutively during the school year. If they are the only student utilizing that bus stop, the stop will also be deleted. You will then need to re-register if you wish to start utilizing transportation again. If you wish to have your child taken off the bus route, please call 360-596-7700.
If your student qualifies for Special Needs (IEP) transportation or McKinney-Vento transportation, their registration will be processed through the Student Support Department. Please do not fill out this form. Contact your child's teacher for more information, or contact Austin Wright, OSD Special Transportation Router, at 360-596-7724 or [email protected].
Apply to be a Bus Driver or Bus Monitor
Are you interested in applying to be a bus driver or monitor in the Olympia School District?
Contact the Transportation Department between the hours of 5 a.m. and 6 p.m., please dial (360) 596-7700.
This phone number is for emergency use only: If it is after 6 p.m., and you have a student that has not arrived home from school, please call the district Missing Student Emergency Phone Line at (360) 797-9079 for assistance.
If your child is on a field trip or sporting event and has not arrived back to the origin at the appointed time, please attempt to contact the school office. If your child is at a sporting event outside of normal school hours, please attempt to contact the coach in charge.
On non-school weekdays, Transportation office hours are generally from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Early Release Adjusted Time Schedule
Family Resources
Online Bus Route Finder provides an easy way to determine the nearest bus stop for a student based on a school and address in the system. Online Bus Route Finder generates a report with the closest bus route number, bus stop, pick up and drop off times for the designated route.
To notify the Transportation Department that a student is not riding the bus, please email [email protected]. Notification allows for Transportation and the bus driver to plan accordingly and account for a difference in other students' stop times. When notifying the Transportation Department via email, please include the student's full legal name and the school they attend.
The Olympia School District has rules established so that all students have a safe and enjoyable ride to and from school. Please take the time to review the rules with your student.
Contact Information
Jackie Rafferty, Transportation Director, (360) 596-7727
Damon Camus, Assistant Director/Vehicle Maintenance Manager, (360) 596-7703
Jeff Gregory, Transportation & Training Supervisor, (360) 596-7705
Dan Nashleanas, Dispatcher, (360) 596-7777
Austin Wright, Dispatcher/Sped & M/V Router, (360) 596-7724
Tanya Lasmanis, Administrative Specialist, (360) 596-7711
Tommy Gallegos, Lead Driver Trainer, (360) 596-7702
Mailing Address
OSD Transportation Department
3000 R.W. Johnson Blvd SW
Tumwater, WA 98512
Voice: (360) 596-7700
Fax: (360) 596-7701