McKinney-Vento Supports
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act is designed to address the challenges that students experiencing
housing instability or homelessness face to enroll, attend, and succeed in school.
Olympia School District McKinney-Vento Liaison staff will assist students and families seeking enrollment or students currently enrolled to address barriers to education and provide students
the opportunity to fully participate in school.
Our services help students to enroll, attend and receive the educational resources to experience
school success. We can help parents and caretakers ensure that students have the same
educational opportunities as other students enrolled in the school district.
The McKinney-Vento Office supports every school in the Olympia School District. Please
see our McKinney-Vento brochure (English, Spanish) for more information or call our office
to talk with the McKinney Vento Liaison Designee.
OSD McKinney-Vento Office
Leslie Gowell
McKinney-Vento Liaison Designee
OSD Knox Building
111 Bethel St NE Olympia WA. 98506
[email protected]
(360) 596-6313
Sean Shaughnessy
[email protected]
(360) 596-6800
Visit the National Center for Homeless Education for more information about the McKinney-Vento Education Act.
Defining Student Housing Instability or Homelessness
The McKinney-Vento Act defines Preschool K-12 eligible students as children and youth who “lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence” and current nighttime residence is:
- Temporarily living with another person/family due economic hardship and lack or loss of housing;
- In an emergency or domestic violence shelter;
- In a residence with inadequate accommodations (no water, heat or electricity etc) ;
- In a motel or hotel due lack/loss of housing and economic hardship;
- In Transitional housing program;
- In cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings;
- Moving from place of place or couch surfing or;
- Due to being displaced because of fire, natural disaster or pandemic;
Students will be screened for eligibility by using the Olympia School District Student Housing Questionnaire. Students, parents, caretakers, or community agencies can request a McKinney Vento eligibility screening by contacting the McKinney Vento office or McKinney Vento Building Points of Contat at the student's school building.
OSD Student Housing Questionnaire
The OSD Student Housing Questionnaire is provided to all students enrolled at the time of enrollment. Currently enrolled students receive the OSD Housing Questionnaire on a yearly basis.
Student housing situations will change over the course of the school year. You can get a copy
of the OSD Housing Questionnaire here (English, Spanish, Vietnamese). Contact the McKinney-Vento office for all available translations.
You can also ask your school office or school counselor to provide to make a
referral to the McKinney-Vento office for you or your students.
Rights of McKinney-Vento Students
Immediate school enrollment-even if they lack health, immunization or school records, proof of guardianship or documents to verify current nighttime residence
Enroll in the school attended when permanently housed; or attend the school where the student was last enrolled; or enroll in the school that is local to the student current nighttime residence.
Attend the students current school for the school year even if they change nighttime residence or obtain stable housing during the school year they qualify as McKinney-Vento eligible.
Receive free breakfast and lunch at school.
Students receive school transportation to and from their school of origin as long as they are unhoused or through the end of the academic year if they obtain stable housing.
Obtain information regarding community services for food, shelter, clothing, healthcare and after school programs.
Participate in tutoring and school related activities.
Community, Washington State and School District Resources for Students and Families
Community agencies can help students and families experiencing a housing crisis, economic hardship, and physical or mental health issues.
Here are links to comprehensive information about services available for youth and families in Thurston County:
School District Resources
School Weekend Food Bags: Students can bring home Weekend Food Bags made available through the Thurston County Food Bank. Ask your school counselor or McKinney Vento Building Point of Contact for your student to receive Weekend Food bags.
School Transportation: Transportation to and from school will be provided for McKinney eligible students based on individual students circumstances. Please contact the
McKinney-Vento Liaison Designee to request transportation services at 360 596-6313.
School Supplies: Ask the McKinney-Vento Liaison Designee, your school counselor or office staff about how to request needed school supplies.
Emergency Funds for Students: Ask the School Counselor, Principal or McKinney-Vento Support Person how to request emergency assistance basic school needs; school clothes, shoes,
personal hygiene, laundry assistance, and funds to cover school related fees.