Hello OSD families in grades 1-12,
The 'Shift to Hybrid Learning on campus survey' is a form posted in Skyward Family Access. The survey asks families of students in grades 1-12 to indicate whether they want their student to remain in 100 percent distance learning or participate in a hybrid learning model -- two days a week in-person and mostly independent work on remote days -- once the district is able to safely shift to hybrid for full grade levels.
Note: We ask that families please fill out one survey for each child who currently attends school in our district.
You must be in your Skyward Family Access account and not in your student's Skyward account. The survey is located on your homepage wall and can also be accessed by clicking the link located in the menu on the left side of the homepage labeled "Online Forms."
Please remember to press the Submit button after you have read the survey information and answered the brief questionnaire. If you need help logging in to Skyward Family Access, please read these instructions. This survey can only be completed by the family identified in Skyward as the student’s first family.
The deadline to complete this survey is Friday, December 4.