Nearly 70% of voters have approved the Olympia School District’s four-year Technology and Safety Replacement Levy in the February 8, 2022 Special Election, according to final official election results.
The final results certified on February 18 by the Thurston County Auditor show the ballot measure received 11,777 yes votes (69.94%) compared to 5,062 no votes (30.06%). A levy requires 50 percent-plus one yes vote for approval.
Olympia School District Superintendent Patrick Murphy thanked voters for their support. “We are grateful and appreciative that a majority of voters support a continuation of our strategic planning efforts to make technology accessible to all students, and to enhance safety and security in our schools.”
Among other things, the $52.4 million replacement levy will fund new and continued technology and safety initiatives including:
- Touchscreen mobile computer devices for each student.
- Continuation of Internet access at home for students/families in need.
- Assistive technology devices for students with special needs, and associated staff training.
- Up-to-date classroom interactive display systems, including an interactive projector or flat panel screen.
- Safety vestibules in 13 school entries where they do not currently exist.
- Improved safe routes to school, including school zone crossings and notifications, and safer walking and biking routes.
- Safety notifications at the main entry/exit doors for all schools.
- Emergency power initiatives, including solar panels and back-up power generation to support critical operations.