May 18, 2022 Meeting
- Welcome and Introductions
- Updates
- Current Survey Results
- Closing - Agenda Plan for Next Meeting
Attendees via Zoom:
Audrey Perry
Eowyn Elleveve
Justin McKaughan
Rebecca Cornelius
Megan Moreno
Sandy Hallstrom (minutes taken by Sandy)
Scott Clifthorne
Review of preliminary survey results, current as of 5/16/22. Survey will run through 5/20/22.
There are currently 1,682 respondents. Viewed piecharts of responses by major role, which were comprised of Family (773 respondents), Staff (519 respondents), Students (301 respondents) and Community members (88 respondents).
Demographic data showed disparate community representation in comparison to the district population.
Discussed the idea of ThoughtExchange or similar tool to get more interactive feedback and learn what specific issues exist for the community, rather than knowing more generic info, like “childcare is an issue.”
How do we reach more people and get a higher level of community response? Scott shared that current work is ongoing regarding equity policies and engaging community leaders, which could be very helpful.
We need more community education as many people are confused about what a balanced calendar is (for example: it’s not year-round school, like a job, and without summer). It would be nice to share what we DO know so far (what Y-Care, Boys & Girls club, etc. have shared) as well as the fact that no decision has been made. There is no clear mandate to either continue or stop a formal exploration.
A regional evaluation/study would be helpful. Could we also include regional feedback in our survey (allow other districts and communities to participate, including Yelm).
Next Time
We will review full survey results at the next meeting (6/1/22).