Update February 15, 2024
The OSD replacement levy is now passing with more than 68% yes votes based on the latest unofficial election results!!
More than 67% of voters have approved Olympia School District’s Educational Programs and Operations Replacement Levy in the February 13, 2024 Special Election, according to early unofficial election results.
The first set of results released on election night show the measure received 9,187 yes votes (67.61%) compared to 4,397 no votes (32.36%). A levy requires 50 percent-plus one yes vote for approval.
“We are so grateful to Olympia School District voters who continue to support our students, staff and families,” said Superintendent Patrick Murphy. “We can’t thank the community enough for their partnership.”
The district will continue to monitor Special Election returns in the coming days as more ballots are counted. The Thurston County Auditor’s Office Elections Division is expected to release the next round of election results at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 14. The county is expected to certify election results on February 23, 2024.
The levy replaces an expiring four-year educational programs and operations levy that voters approved in February 2020. It pays for programs and services that are not fully funded by state basic education funding. This includes some classroom and districtwide support staff such as paraeducators, custodians, social and mental health supports, and security staff. Levy funds also help support middle and high school athletics and activities, transportation outside of the basic school day, special education, visual and performing arts programs, staff professional development, and maintenance and operations.
The Educational Programs and Operations Replacement Levy makes up about 16% of the district’s budgeted revenue.