The Olympia School Board is seeking input from OSD students, families, employees and community members about a proposed districtwide student dress code policy and procedure.
While individual schools have rules around student dress code, currently there is no districtwide policy or procedure.
Written comments about the proposed policy and procedure may be submitted through
Friday, January 4 on a brief
online feedback form. The form includes a complete version of both the policy and procedure.
The school board held a first reading of the newly proposed student dress code policy and procedure on November 19, 2018. Board members plan to review input received between now and January 4 before they hold a second reading of the policy and procedure at the January 22, 2019 board meeting. That meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. at LP Brown Elementary School, 2000 26th Ave. N.W. in Olympia.
Any policy that comes before the school board requires a minimum of two readings (reviews) by the board before it can be considered for approval. Board action may follow the second reading on Tuesday, January 22.
In addition to the online feedback form, comments about any policies before the school board may be emailed to
[email protected]. Links to the proposed student dress code Policy 3224 and procedure 3224P are included on the district website
Board Policy Review webpage.