Looking for child care for your school-age child? There are a variety of options in Olympia and the surrounding area, including offerings for low-income families.
In addition to the information below, be sure to also read about a new Child Care Relief Program offered in partnership between the Olympia School District and City of Olympia in cooperation with the South Sound YMCA and Boys and Girls Club of Thurston County.
This webpage will be updated regularly with new information.
South Sound YMCA
- The YMCA plans to offer child care this fall at the following Olympia School District sites: Garfield, McKenny, McLane and Roosevelt elementary schools. For more information and registration details, visit the South Sound YMCA website.
Boys and Girls Club of Thurston County
- The Boys and Girls Club of Thurston County plans to offer child care this fall at Jefferson Middle School and is exploring how to meet more community demand for child care as school districts operate school in a full-time distance learning model. For more information and registration details, visit the Boys and Girls Club of Thurston County website.
Olympia Parks, Arts and Recreation
Beginning September 14, Olympia Parks, Arts and Recreation will operate "School Day Olywahoo!" -- full-day (7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) child care programs at Hansen and Pioneer elementary schools.
For more information and registration details, visit the Olympia, Arts and Recreation website or call (360) 753-8380 weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
The Family Center at Child Care Aware of Washington
- The Family Center at Child Care Aware (CCA) of Washington has been connecting families to local child care for more than 30 years. The CCA works with child care centers and home child care businesses.
- Visit the Child Care Aware website or call the Family Center for free referrals weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 1-800-446-1114.
- For information about Working Connections Child Care, including eligibility and application instructions, visit the website (Working Connections Child Care helps families with low incomes pay for child care).