Thurston County has been approved, as of June 24, 2020 to enter Phase 3 reopening of the state’s Safe Start order. Given this status, the school district has begun to reopen its outdoor facilities, as well as some indoor facilities use.
As of June 24, all OSD playgrounds are open and available for play. We encourage families to ensure that students wash or sanitize their hands before and after playing.
Outdoor athletic facilities have also reopened, and the use is based on the Governor’s plan regarding phased safety measures. View Gov. Inslee’s
“Professional Sports & Other Sporting Activities Phase 2 and 3 COVID-19 Requirements.”
Use of the Ingersoll and Swarthout tracks by the community is allowable. As required by district policy, please be cognizant that school and community athletic teams will also be using the fields. See district policy
4260P(E) for Swarthout and
4260P(D) for Ingersoll. As a reminder, use of our fields are scheduled centrally for athletic teams. The City of Olympia Parks, Arts, and Recreation department schedules the use of elementary and middle school baseball fields and soccer fields. School facilities and high school fields, including Ingersoll and Swarthout, are scheduled via a centralized
“SchoolDude” system on the district’s website.
Please also remember that both Capital and Olympia high schools are under construction for major remodels. Therefore, not all facilities are accessible, even if the county is permitted to reopen to Phase 3 levels. For example, Olympia HS tennis courts are partially closed while three new courts are constructed, and the parking lot is inaccessible.
Please be mindful that our coaches/teams are practicing strict social distancing protocol in order to be able to hold team practices. If you arrive at one of our outdoor facilities and students are participating in a practice, please consider exercising at the stadium after the team finishes.